From fear to hope

I feel so small and alone, standing by the Christmas tree. Tears seep from the corner of my eye and fall unnoticed. I feel frozen in time, invisible. I scream. No one turns their head – no one notices -no one helps…I don’t know what to do. Have you ever …

The 10 Gifts of Christmas 2015 *Updated

  Last year I did a 12 Gifts of Christmas challenge.  It was so much fun, I think I’ll do it again this year.  Who wants to join me?  The rules are simple.  Pick 12 (or any number you want) ways you can give/bless others this Christmas season.  It can …

When Rejection Hurts

“Brat.” His words cut through the dark Christmas night. Hot tears slipped unnoticed down my cheeks.  I now know he was speaking from a place of his pain. I wish I could go back to that moment and look into the eyes of my seven-year-old self. I would tell her …

12 Tips for a Full Thanksgiving

As you are snuggling in bed reviewing the day’s events, what would you want to have happened to make Thanksgiving day perfect? I recently asked this question on Facebook and here are a few answers. Lots of mashed potatoes -and everyone getting along Family togetherness – A room thick with …

Memorizing James – 5 Month Update

I’ve got some good news and some bad news. Bad news first: I’ve been at it this for five months! Each of the Mastery of Memory days takes me about a week.  Their tagline is accelerated learning.  It’s more like keep showing up day after day learning. And now the …

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