The Entitlement Cure by Dr. John Townsend

In His newest book, The Entitlement Cure Dr. Townsend defines entitlement as doing life the way you want to, and feeling comfortable with your choices.  It is having little interest in performing difficult behaviors that don’t come naturally to you. An entitled person thinks he is taking the easy way. The cure is …

The Armor of the Enemy

Pssst – You there, come here a minute.  I want to look you over and make sure you are dressed appropriately for the day. Let’s see: Belt of Lies – Everyone is out to get you. Everyone is looking out for themselves and you will pay if you don’t be …

Book Review: PrayerPoints

I love praying God’s promises.  It gives me hope as I turn my eyes off my problems and focus on who God is and what He says He will do. PrayerPoints: Praying God’s Promises at Your Point of Need. By Ken Petersen is a pocket sized book that helps you do just …

How do you rate?

I’ve been pondering the star system for rating books that is popular with sites like Amazon and Goodreads.  I often have an initial response to a book, but over time – I find my rating changes.  For example, I read a knock-your-socks-off book and realize that it is better than …

2016 Goals

I’m a big, huge super-duper fan of goals.  I love, love, love goals.  Goals are the GPS of my life. Without them I wouldn’t end up where I wanted to go, or it may take me a lot longer to get there. I’ve enjoyed  successes, but I’ve also leaned to …

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