Writing Goals: They Keep You Writing

So, it’s been a month since my lofty plans to write 50,000 words in July.  Things didn’t exactly turn out like I envisioned them. But, that’s pretty typical – at least for me. I am reading at least a half hour most days.  I did come up with a title …

2014 Bucket List

We all know that having goals are the key to achieving them.  Goal setting can be fun too.  Dreaming about the future and reflecting on the past can help lead to a contented and productive life.  You may never accomplish everything on your lists, but you will certainly come a …

Learn. Do. Teach.

I was an average student in High School. I didn’t like to work hard and wasn’t really motivated to apply myself – hence – average.  Around came ACT time which was anything but stellar.  At the advice of the guidance counselors, I was enrolled in a program where I would …

New Year’s Resolutions

I’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions.  Mostly because I, like most, tend to forget what they were by March or so.  Usually it’s because the habit didn’t stick, but sometimes it’s because it did. Once a habit is fully developed it is – well, a habit. I …

Gift to the King

It’s Jesus birthday and I don’t know what to give Him.  I can’t go to the store and buy him a shiny new bike and wrap it in sparkling paper and put it under the tree.  I don’t think He wants a gift card to Amazon either.  What can I …

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