Learn. Do. Teach.

I was an average student in High School. I didn’t like to work hard and wasn’t really motivated to apply myself – hence – average.  Around came ACT time which was anything but stellar.  At the advice of the guidance counselors, I was enrolled in a program where I would learn business skills half a day of my Senior year and then work the second half a day. Since I wasn’t too fond of school and this allowed me to earn money, I was all in. I had a vague notion that I wanted to go to college, but I didn’t make the connection that I needed to apply myself in high school

I graduated. As I pondered my life and what I wanted for a career, I thought back on a handful of teachers who believed in me when it was against all odds.  I can remember my freshman Physical Science teacher.  Mr. Wilcox was committed to the material and the truth that I could learn it, even if I didn’t believe in myself.  My sophomore Geography teacher brought Geography to life – his passion was contagious.

At some point, something began to form in me that has continued to burn deep into my soul and become such a part of me. I wanted every student I could reach to know they could learn.  I wanted them to believe in themselves and I wanted to be able to break down the material and reteach it as may ways as necessary for mastery.  In order to best do this, I realized I would need a college degree.

I applied to our area community college and was accepted.  Credit it to graduation-from-collegematurity or to having a passion, but I put my nose to the grind and didn’t look up for the next four years.  College was hard for me.  While my friends were off doing this or that – I was studying.  And Studying. And Studying. And Studying.  I made up for what I lacked academically in motivation and managed to graduate with honors.

Over the last 25 years, my passion to learn and teach has grown deeper and deeper.  My life verse has been Ezra  7:10 “For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the LORD, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.” Learn. Do. Teach.  That’s my life motto. 

I have had the privilege of instructing children in the classroom setting as well as 1-on-1 tutoring. I have also been blessed to lead Women’s Bible Studies and homeschooling my two children.  There is something I just love about learning material (especially God’s Word) well enough that you can then break it down and share it with others.

Sometimes, when I am tempted to become discouraged at my lack of motivation and low grades in grade school, I’m reminded that that very thing may be what instilled such a passion in me to teach others.  Funny how God uses our worst moments to shape us into just who He wants us to be.  As my children near completion of high school, and my days of homeschooling come to an end, I don’t know what the next season of my life will look like. But, I’m excited to see where God directs me.

Proverbs 3:5-6  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him,   and he will make your paths straight.”

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