Are books better than the internet?

I started watching The Crown last night. The Netflix original TV series is set in England in 1947 during the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. In one scene Princess Elizabeth (Claire Fox) rushes into the study to answer the phone. My breath caught as I admired the floor to ceiling …

Memorizing the Book of James – Final Update

I finished memorizing James by the end of 2016. But, I’ve procrastinated posting because I was trying to get it perfect.  I’m learning that done is better than perfect.  So here it is. I used the video on Mastery of Memory final comprehensive review as I recited the verses. I muted the sound …

Why I didn’t set goals in 2017

It’s been six weeks since I’ve posted.  I didn’t intend it to be that way.  I had a calendar and numerous draft posts started. Then in the beginning of December, I entered an unanticipated time of soul searching. I didn’t write a word for the rest of December. I knew …

The 10 Gifts of Christmas 2015 *Updated

  Last year I did a 12 Gifts of Christmas challenge.  It was so much fun, I think I’ll do it again this year.  Who wants to join me?  The rules are simple.  Pick 12 (or any number you want) ways you can give/bless others this Christmas season.  It can …

Thinking before Speaking

When I write, I have a chance to reread it and make any necessary corrections before I hit the enter key.  How I wish my brain had an enter key. Two days down to my six day commitment. For the rest of the week I will only speak words that …

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