How to make your dreams reality (Part 1)

There seems to be a buzz around social media of poo-pooing New Year’s resolutions. They don’t work. You’re setting yourself up for failure. When I was chatting with a friend I was almost apologizing. “Yes, I’m one of those who make New Year’s Resolutions.” I love a new year because …

2018 Year in Pixels

At the end of a year, people say, “Hopefully, next year will be a better year.” or “I’ll be so glad when this year is behind us.” I get some years are worse than others, and a new year represents a clean slate. But, I wonder if we’re generalizing an …

Do it Afraid

“I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning to sail my ship.” Louisa May Alcott For many years, fear controlled my life. I have found the only way to overcome fear is to do the thing I am afraid of.  Below is a speech I recently gave at Toastmaster’s Open …

Be Present in 2018

  A new year Falling like a blanket of snow, Untouched by life. The possibilities of January are endless. New beginnings spurred on by hope. We make New Year’s Resolutions, resolutions that are all too soon lost in the hustle and bustle of life. Studies show that by February 80% of our …

What three words describe you?

Grab a pen and paper, set the timer for ten minutes and write down everything you can think of to describe you. There is no wrong answer; the key is to keep writing for the full ten minutes. When the timer rings, stop and look back over what you wrote. …

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