What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid?

I overheard my neighbor talking to my mom. “Nancy runs everywhere. I sit here on my porch and day after day I see her bolt out the back door like she’s going to a fire. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her walk. I often wonder why she’s in such …

God wants a relationship with me?

My seventh-grade math teacher put the teacher’s answer key in the back of the room. When we finished an assignment, we were supposed to go to the back of the room, correct our mistakes and write our grade on the top of our paper. It was more fun to pass …

Where Fear and Faith Collide

I received some potentially scary health news about a close family friend. My mind when to what-ifs. And that’s a dark, scary place to be. I let my mind work itself into a migraine headache that medication wouldn’t touch and landed my butt in bed for three days. After three …

Is Criticism Bad?

A few weeks ago, my daughter ripped the twenty-two-year-old carpet up from our stairs. Under the nasty, old carpet was beautiful hardwood. The only problem was that when the builders painted the trim, speckles of paint dropped onto the stairs. Before I stained and polyurethane the stairs, I needed to …

How to Thrive–and not just Survive–This Holiday Season

The holidays should be a time of fun, memories, and celebrations. But, all too often we scroll through  Facebook, finding our friends snuggled by the fire with glittery lights and hot cocoa. While our day consists of kids arguing, the third batch of burnt cookies wafting through the air and the realization …

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