Is Suffering Optional?

Psalms 119:81-88   uses words like longing, enduring, and persecuted. The guy who wrote these verses was in a bad place. I tend to think King David wrote it, as he wrote many of the Psalms. But this one doesn’t clearly say who wrote it. The author says he is like a …

Late for the Bus? Pray and then RUN!

Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law. Psalms 119:18 A few years back I was frustrated by the fear and anger that taunted me. I wanted to be free from it. But, nothing I tried worked. I tried saying morning affirmations. I will be loving and …

Are you defined by your limitations?

I received a Spelling Bee award in Toastmasters. I love words. I love grammar. I love the correct use of grammar. I love filling the role of Grammarian at Toastmasters. What the giver of the award didn’t know is that I was notorious in High school for my lack of spelling …

What Does the Bible Say about Who I Am?

A friend said some unkind words that left me hurt and discouraged. As I reflected in the early hours of the morning, the night began to break. The sky illuminated a single pink cloud. Be still and know that I am God. It was as if God whispered, “You are …

Life’s Waves: 3 Tips to Avoid Wipe-out

“The baby measures a bit small for his twenty-week gestation. I’m sure everything is fine, but we need to run a few tests to be sure.” Even though that was two decades ago, I still remember the anxiety that rolled over me at hearing the nurse’s words. After years of …

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