Limitless Power

All of life is bound by limits. So much is determined by what we have or don’t have.  Is there enough money for a trip – or an unexpected expense? How about time – either we are rushing around, stressed because there is too much to do, or we’re bored. Health brings about …

The Intersection of Truth and Love

On paper, there is no conundrum reconciling truth and love.  Parenting, however, has for me proven to bring to light the constant seesaw of the two values.  On one hand, I want my children to be happy and feel blissfully loved.  On the other, I desire for them to have …

Nice Doggie…Nice Doggie

Yes, that’s me. And my brother. And my dog, Bogie. So you can see, there was a time that dogs didn’t strike fear into my heart.  One defining day changed the course of my affection towards dogs, forever.  Well, maybe not forever.  We’ll see. It was time to leave for …

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