Happy 15th Birthday, Son

1 Sam 1:27 ” I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of Him.” Some people aspire to be doctors or lawyers, but not me.  Ever since I was a child I dreamed of being a mom. But, then came the heart-wrenching years as I prayed …

Imitation of Christ Book 1 Chapter 2

The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis Book 1 -Admonitions Profitable for the Spiritual Life Chapter 2 Of Thinking Humbly of Oneself Summary Knowledge is desirable, but what is knowledge without the fear of God? It is better to live a simple life and serve God than have all education and …

The Imitation of Christ – Book 1 Chapter 1

The Imitation of Christ by Tomas a Kempis. After reading the first few chapter of the book, I realized how much depth there is to it.  In an effort to absorb the truths and not just skim over them, I am going to summarize each chapter as we read through …

Making Moments Count

Elderly Couple Die Holding Hands I sat with tears in my eyes as I read this article. How sweet – the elderly couple died holding hands. Oh, my, that’s how I want to go. I wouldn’t have to live a moment without my husband. Sometimes life seems like it’s flying …

Life is a Vapor

In the noisy chaos of the day, I long for a few minutes of stillness. Stillness where my fingers sit in anticipation on the keyboard and my mind’s thoughts begin to quiet. Processing the day brings me calm relief. It is in these moments as I reflect – the twiddle-twaddle …

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