Are Christians Drones?

I hold my life in my hand continually, but I do not forget your law. Psalms 119:109

“No, Mama! I do it myself.” My two-year-old daughter crossed her arms, so I couldn’t finish dressing her.

“Okay, honey. You do it yourself.”

I took a step back. She turned away from me and the purple and yellow polka-dot dress. My perfectionistic-new-mom heart relaxed a little when she chose a blue flowered dress, perfect for a warm summer day. Ten minutes later when it was time to get into the car, she turned up fully dressed with her accessories—winter boots and a bike helmet.

She was so proud. I smiled, congratulated her on dressing herself and loaded her into the car.

The verse today, “I hold my life in my hand continually, but I do not forget your law,” reminds us, that like two-year-olds, we have multitudes of choices every day. We have simple decisions on what we are going to eat or wear, to more complex relational ones.

I’m glad God didn’t make us robots. We have the freedom to choose. In some areas, like what my daughter wore to the grocery store that day, it just doesn’t matter. But, for the things in life that do matter, we have the Bible to give us guidance and direction.

Often, I find myself rushing around, trying to fit more into my day than is humanly possible. But, when I search the Bible I don’t see anything about working hard to earn God’s or man’s approval. Instead, God seems more concerned about my heart–about who I am, not what I do.

“Be still and know that I am God.”
“The joy of the Lord is my strength.”
“This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice in it and be glad.”

I used to think the Bible was restrictive and designed to make me a robot. But, the opposite is actually true. God loves us and wrote the Bible to give us freedom, joy, and happiness as we live out our days.

As my daughter grew up, she developed her own style of fashion different from mine. I loved to dress her in frilly bright-colored, high-contrast clothes with lots of pinks. Decades later, she is a strong, independent woman who prefers simpler styles and neutral clothes. (And I think the poor girl still hates pink!)

It’s the same way with us. God made each of us unique with different opinions, preferences, and hobbies. I’m glad He did, the world would be a boring place if we were all the same!

But, I’m thankful for an owner’s manual from our Maker that gives us guidelines so I can grow and not head out into my day dressed in my winter boots and bike helmet.


  1. Mary Schurdell

    Thank you for the reminders from scripture, “Be still and know that I am God” and “The joy of the Lord is my strength.” I too often find myself trying to fit more into my day than is humanly possible.

    After I read your post I paused and prayed, “ God forgive me for being in such a hurry to accomplish everything on my “ to do” list that I am not even still before you! Help me Lord so just take time to bask in your presence, to be still, and be my strength Lord. In Jesus name. Amen

  2. As a young mom I often saw glimpses of our Father in me as I parented my children. I would wonder many times how He didn’t pull his hair out. And when I looked at it from a grander view with all that is happening in the world, I wondered how His heart didn’t break. I think it does. Thankfully He keeps healing 😉
    Bless you, Nancy!

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