Can I Really Know Jesus (Book Review)

My Review

This is a small book -about the size of my hand.  Each page has one question, a couple of paragraphs answering the question and a Bible verse. I felt the doctrine was solid and Biblically based, but written in a way that is easy to understand.

Some questions are:

Is Jesus mentioned in the Old Testament?
If Jesus is God, Why did He pray to God?
Why did Jesus spend so much time with Sinners?
What happened to people who believed in God before Jesus came?

The book is a quick read or great to pick up as a reference guide when questions arise.  While the content is universal, the book’s artwork is whimsical, with butterflies and flowers making it potentially more appealing to women. I would recommend it to girls as young as pre-teen up to any adult woman who wants to know more about Jesus.

It reminds me of another excellent book I highly recommend by Lee Strobel, The Case for Christianity. Lee uses the Bible as well as science and logic to answer similar type questions.  I used this book to teach a high school homeschool group that lead to some good discussions.

For anyone wanting to know more about the Bible and Jesus, my first recommendation is to start with the Bible. I’d start with the Book of John in the New Testament.  Then, either of the above books would be a good supplement.


Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for my honest thoughts about the book.


    • Thanks, Kelly. While books can help give us perspective, I do think the Bible is the ultimate source. If I could only have one book to read for the rest of my life *gasp* I would choose the Bible without hesitation. It is living and active and has the power to change me – to make me more like Christ, plus it has a lot of pages, so it would keep me busy for a long time!

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