Life is like a thunderstorm predicted it would rain for 23 more minutes and then there would be a lull for a half hour before the next storm. Knowing I could use the exercise I suggested we drop my car off at the shop a mile away and walk home.  Just for good measure, I decided to bring the umbrella.

As we pulled out the driveway it rained. As we arrived a mile away – it was still raining.  After turning the keys in – the rain stopped.storm For about 2 minutes.  Then it started to sprinkle. Then it started to pour.  Then – what comes after pour? Whatever it is called, that’s what it was doing.  At first, we stayed somewhat dry because of the umbrella.  Mostly our knees down were getting wet.  Which worked out better for me than my husband since I was wearing shorts.  My tennis shoes were a bit squashy, but not a big deal.

Then the rain began to dump buckets of water on us as we watched the lightening in the sky. We were still comfortable, though – thanks to the little piece of plastic called an umbrella.  My husband pointed out how often we take something like shelter for granted. At this point, my shoes were more than a bit squashy.  Water was oozing from them.

Then the rain stopped. Then it started sprinkling. Then pouring. Then whatever comes after pouring.  All this within a one-mile walk home that couldn’t have taken more than 20 minutes. By the time I got home I could wring the water out of my socks. Turns out the children were desperately trying to reach us as we were in a tornado warning.  The night progressed into major flooding and damage throughout our city.  In hindsight I’m thankful we got home before the worst of it!

Looking back on it, the super-sized downpours didn’t really bother me because I knew it would only last for a few minutes.  Either the weather would again clear up, or we would arrive home.

2 Cor. 4:17-18 “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen.”

We don’t have to lose hope, the trials we are facing won’t last much longer. In light of eternity – every trial here on earth is light and momentary.  Life is like rain, there are sprinkles and there are thundershowers. It’s helpful to remember in the all out downpours of life that sprinkles or even sunshine is ahead.  But what if the trial you are facing has no end in sight? What if you must carry the burden the rest of your days on earth.  How long is that?  Maybe 20. 30. 40. or 50 years – at most? It’s going to seem like a drop in the bucket when we look back.

Oh, that I will stop and dance in the rain knowing that it will only last for a moment and it is shaping me to be more like Christ if I let it.

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