I’ll Show Them!

Day Eighteen: Hone Your Point of View The neighborhood has seen better days, but Mrs. Pauley has lived there since before anyone can remember. She raised a family of six boys, who’ve all grown up and moved away. Since Mr. Pauley died three months ago, she’d had no income. She’s fallen behind in …

What do I fear?

Day Seventeen: Your Personality on the Page Today’s Prompt: We all have anxieties, worries, and fears. What are you scared of? Address one of your worst fears.  Today’s Twist: Write this post in a style distinct from your own.   My worst fear? That’s tough to narrow down.  I have …

Steps to a Paperless Home (Part 3)

We’ve talked about Evernote in Part 1. Then in Part 2 I shared how the paperless system was working out for me.  In Part 3 I’m going to talk about scanners.  There are various ways to get your information into Evernote. Use the Evernote email attached to your account and …

I-Love-You, I-Love-You-Not

Day Fifteen: Your Voice Will Find You Today’s Prompt: Think about an event you’ve attended and loved. Your hometown’s annual fair. That life-changing music festival. A conference that shifted your worldview. Imagine you’re told it will be cancelled forever or taken over by an evil corporate force. How does that make …

A Letter to My Heart

Day Fourteen: To Whom It May Concern Today’s Prompt: Pick up the nearest book and flip to page 29. What’s the first word that jumps off the page? Use this word as your springboard for inspiration. If you need a boost, Google the word and see what images appear, and …

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