Life’s Waves: 3 Tips to Avoid Wipe-out

“The baby measures a bit small for his twenty-week gestation. I’m sure everything is fine, but we need to run a few tests to be sure.” Even though that was two decades ago, I still remember the anxiety that rolled over me at hearing the nurse’s words. After years of …

What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid?

I overheard my neighbor talking to my mom. “Nancy runs everywhere. I sit here on my porch and day after day I see her bolt out the back door like she’s going to a fire. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her walk. I often wonder why she’s in such …

Where Fear and Faith Collide

I received some potentially scary health news about a close family friend. My mind when to what-ifs. And that’s a dark, scary place to be. I let my mind work itself into a migraine headache that medication wouldn’t touch and landed my butt in bed for three days. After three …

100 Days to Brave (Book Review)

What I liked The physical book – The book has raised lettering on the cover,  a bookmark and smooth, thick pages. Layout – Each day has a Bible verse, a short bit of teaching, encouragement or stories from Annie’s life and a takeaway. Content – I am glad I had …

Why I Got a Tattoo

 I gave my first Toastmaster’s speech this morning. Thank you for all your support and encouraging words from yesterday’s post.   While it wasn’t perfect, I am happy I showed up and finished.  🙂 In my speech I shared why I got a tattoo.  I think this may surprise many of you …

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