When Life Overwhelms

I’ve felt a bit like my life has been on a roller coaster the last few months. You too? Things I feared, the what-ifs that haunted my thoughts in the early morning hours, many of them have become reality. COVID-19, social distancing, isolation, racism, riots.  I turn to the Bible …

Lessons From a Dog

The first blog post I ever wrote was six years ago on facing my fear of dogs. Since that day I’ve written hundreds of posts and faced many fears. I’m thankful for a sweet German Shepherd mix who showed me that rather than running from things that look big and …

What’s in my kitchen sink?

Thy Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalms 119:105 Hamburgers sizzled on the stove. My mind was on the movie I’d just watched. I picked up a cup and placed it in the dishwasher. Reaching back into the sink, I reeled my hand …

When Circumstances Overwhelm

“Forever, O Lord, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens.” Psalms 119:89   My kids are 15 months apart. When they were babies, I tried and tried at getting everyone on the same schedule. But, just as soon as I achieved my goal, one of them would start teething …

Late for the Bus? Pray and then RUN!

Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law. Psalms 119:18 A few years back I was frustrated by the fear and anger that taunted me. I wanted to be free from it. But, nothing I tried worked. I tried saying morning affirmations. I will be loving and …

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