Ask It by Andy Stanley (Book Review)

My daughter called me last week. “Mom, You’ve got to read this book I’m reading for school. It’s a short read, I listened to it on Audible on 2x speed and was done in a couple of hours. Seriously. Go read it.” “Okay, honey. Thank you for the recommendation.” “No …

3 Questions for a Decluttered Heart

I spent last Friday pulling everything out of the bathroom closets and cupboards and putting them into a big pile. The Friday before that, I did the same with my clothes. Yup, I’ve been bitten by the Marie Kondo bug. The concept, keep what you love and get rid of …

The Struggle is Real. (Book Review)

My Thoughts I ended up liking this book more than I thought I would. Having spent time over the last few years dealing with the junk from my past, Nicole Unice’s newest book was a pleasant refresher on many of the tools and principles I’ve practiced in my life. We …

The key to living a fulfilling life

When asked what Seth Godin saw as his greatest success in life he said, “Opening doors for people who will open doors for people.” What would you say your greatest success in your life is? Think smaller. Why do you do what you do every day? How much of our …

Gift to the King 2019

It’s been a month since Christmas. Is your tree down? Lights off the front of the house? I won’t tell if you don’t. Actually, my tree was down two days after Christmas. Scrooge. I know. I love the clean, clutter-free look, and I haven’t figured out how to do that …

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