Writing Goals: They Keep You Writing

So, it’s been a month since my lofty plans to write 50,000 words in July.  Things didn’t exactly turn out like I envisioned them. But, that’s pretty typical – at least for me. I am reading at least a half hour most days.  I did come up with a title …

What Makes a Writer a Writer?

After 11 years of homeschooling my children, they will be going to public school in the fall.  I kind of feel like a baby birdie being pushed out of the nest.  As I’ll half falling and half flying, I’m trying to find my wings – again. Each year, for one …

Day 96 of Freewriting

I have been free writing 750 words a day since the first day of 2015.  I have no idea how long I will keep it up – honestly, I know one day I’m going to all out forget and then I’ll be so mad!  I actually almost did a couple …

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