Day 96 of Freewriting

I have been free writing 750 words a day since the first day of 2015.  I have no idea how long I will keep it up – honestly, I know one day I’m going to all out forget and then I’ll be so mad!  I actually almost did a couple of times, but remembered as late as 11:30 pm.  I also don’t know what I really plan to accomplish through this exercise.  It came about in December 2014 when I was looking for ways to improve my writing skills.  I found this site: 750 Words and since the first month was free, I thought I had nothing to lose so I’d give it a try.  Long about day 10 or 11 somehow I forgot and missed a day. I was half-hearted in my efforts the rest of the month, blaming it on Christmas and such.  Come January 1, I decided to subscribe again – thinking the $5 a month would be a good motivation for me to complete the month.  I like the site because it gives you data about your writing as well as daily email reminders.  It was fun to be a part of a group and participate in the challenge.  I felt a great sense of accomplishment when I made it to the end of January without missing a day.  Being the frugal gal I am, I decided to move my thoughts over to Evernote in February.  It seemed to get easier the more I did it. It became a routine – something as much a part of my day as eating or showering. I have almost stopped counting the days now – other than when I look just to see where I am at.

I love being able to just ramble on and on about whatever and know that my writing doesn’t have to be polished or even make sense sometimes.  I enjoy having a place to dump all the random thoughts in my head, and I’m sure my husband appreciates them being dumped anywhere but on him!  At least when he does get my thoughts, they are often more organized and thought out.  I don’t know that it’s made me a better writer, per say – but I’m glad I have done the exercise. I wanted to up my game – which is also why I signed up for the Writing 101 challenge at WordPress.  That, and because a fellow blogger and friend is doing it and I find I am more successful at whatever I do if I do it with a friend.

All this is an effort to figure out what I want to be when I grow up.  Or maybe this is just a mid-life crisis that will fade into the dark with my serger and rubber-stamp collection. My children will be in college in a few short years and after more than a decade of homeschooling them, that phase of my life is quickly coming to an end.  With a degree in Elementary Education – returning to the classroom isn’t on my radar.  While I love children and love those “ah-ha” moments, it’s all those other moments in between the “ah-ha” ones that leave deciding to pursue a different path.  I still have utmost love and respect for all my friend teachers out there.  For me, if I continued, I think I would prefer to tutor.

I love reading. I love learning. I love teaching.

My life verse is: Ezra 7:10 “For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the LORD, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.” That’s who I am at the core. So whether I teach Ladies’ Bible Studies (which I love) or tutor elementary students (which I also love) or write ( – I’m excited to start this next chapter of my life. I’m thankful to be able to pursue my dreams.

I have love, love, loved being a mom. It has been a dream come true. I am proud of my peeps and know they are well prepared and ready to spread their wings.  It is bittersweet as this chapter in my life closes and a new one opens.

What will it look like? Where will I go from here?

I have no idea.

And, strangely enough, I’m ok with that. I’ve spent far too much of my life organizing and planning out every detail. I’m kind of ready to sit back and ride this wave.  I do know that with a type A personality – it will be something productive. I’m not the sitting around kind of gal.  But whatever it looks like, I’m ready for this new adventure.

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