Day Ten: Happy (Insert Special Occasion Here)!
Today’s Prompt: Tell us something about your favorite childhood meal — the one that was always a treat, that meant “celebration,” or that comforted you and has deep roots in your memory.Free free to focus on any aspect of the meal, from the food you ate to the people who were there to the event it marked. Today’s twist: Tell the story in your own distinct voice
Food from my childhood. Hmmm. I just don’t know. I remember Angel Food cake with cool whip dyed pink for my birthday. I LOVE angel food cake. I think I asked for it for every birthday that I can remember.
Man, I haven’t thought about it in years and now I want some. Only problem is that I have to eat gluten free now. Even if I found some that was gluten free – I wonder if it would be any good? Plus, I’m trying not to eat sugar.
Except that I just ate 2 lifesavers. That doesn’t count, does it? The only other sugar I ate today was a square of dark chocolate – I made sure it was dark because that doesn’t have as much sugar, right? Oh – and a couple of Gin-Gins. Those are the best candy, ever. And they are tiny – can’t be too much sugar in them.
Anyway, while I can’t remember much about favorite foods growing up – have no fear. I now have a deep love and commitment to food. My favorites are specifically Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake from the Cheesecake factory, and Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino. At least I think that’s the one I like – it’s the one with the bitty pieces of chocolate in it. My daughter or husband order for me because I can never remember which one I like.
But, honestly – any chocolate or coffee is good by me. Well, not any coffee. Good coffee. I would seriously rather warm water than some coffee. You know which kind I’m taking about, right? Gag.
Being the frugal girl I am – the Mocha Frappuccino is saved for special occasions. And by special occasion, I mean we are traveling and I’ve managed to get a lovely migraine headache. Unfortunately, with the headache comes – um, I don’t know how to say it. I get grumpy. There. I said it. I know you probably find it hard to believe that I can be grumpy. But it’s true. And grumpy doesn’t go well with traveling.
So, my dear husband sees me spiraling into meltdown and runs – and I do mean runs – to the nearest Starbucks. That big cool plastic cup of pure yummy-ness brings the world back right again – or maybe it’s the triple shot of espresso – or the massive amount of sugar. At any rate, my skip in my step reappears.

And Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake – oh. my. My husband bought me an entire cake for Christmas last year. Then he randomly surprises me through the year with a little piece of heaven. And now I want one. And I think I know where they are in the freezer. Oh boy. And I wasn’t supposed to be eating sugar today. What to do? What to do?
Love your voice!
Thank you!