I would have despaired, but…

As life hurled itself on to me faster and harder than I could endure, I would have let my bow-and-arrow-mdmind go to that ugly place of doubt, fear and regret. But this time was different. I had an arrow in my bow. A promise from God’s Word.

 “I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.” Ps. 27:13

In the middle of battle and fighting and enemies, King David believed deep down in his core that God is good.  I’ve spent hours and days chewing on this one verse.  My circumstances might be downright discouraging.

But. God.

With a ray of hope, I cried, “Show me your goodness.”  And then I began to see it all around me.  A quiet walk revealed His goodness in the gentle blowing of the trees and the colors of fall.  The song on the radio turned my mind to all God has done for me.  A card from a friend showed up unexpectedly in the mailbox.

The verse doesn’t say God will take away all the trials I’m facing.  God doesn’t promise to take away our pain. For in pain we grow. But, He does promise we will see His goodness in the land of the living. That means right here, this side of heaven.  I love that.  Because I know when I get to heaven I’m going to be totally overwhelmed with God’s goodness.  But, I need to see it right here, right now.

Whatever you are facing today, look for God’s goodness in the midst of it.

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