The Harvest is Plentiful

“Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” John 4:35

If you had told me two or three years ago I would see the things I saw tonight, I would have laughed. If you had told me at 5:00 pm today that I would see what I saw tonight, I would have doubted you.

The room was decorated beautifully.  There were trays and trays of those little finger sandwiches and fancy cookies and candies, music, cute tables with chocolates and centerpieces. And that’s just the beginning, there was stations for paraffin wax hand massages, hair cuts, manicures, and massages.

At one table stood a stripper flipping though a Bible she picked up out of a basket on the table.  Another was chatting with my friend as she was getting her nails done. Another just dropped her child off in the room prepared with games, stories and coloring.

They came.  We invited them and they came. I’m still kind of giddy at the realization of a dream coming true.  We have been bringing gift bags into the clubs for over a year now. The responses have been overwhelmingly positive. But to see them come out on a cold, rainy January night to an Spa Night – I’m just humbled and awed by God’s love for man.

 And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone”  Mark 16:15

God began tugging at the hearts of various women in our church when we would drive past the local strip clubs. Tears would run down our faces as we realized we didn’t need to go to some far away foreign country to share the hope, peace and joy we have found. We began to pray and watch in awe as God opened doors that only He could so we could begin to share with dancers that they have Value, Influence and Purpose.



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