Imitation of Christ Book 1 Chapter 8

The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis

Book 1 -Admonitions Profitable for the Spiritual Life

Chapter 8 Of Obedience and Subjection



Obedience comes in two forms – out of necessity or out of love.  It doesn’t much matter whether you are talking about obedience to an authority here or earth or obedience to God. The first leads to bondage while the second leads to freedom. As we’ve talked about in other chapters, this is again the opposite of what you might believe to be true.

Often we think that we want our way at whatever the cost. We feel we have found freedom in doing something our own way.  In reality, we find heartache, distension and all kinds of pain.  We need to listen to the advice of others more than we give advice.  If we give advice but won’t listen and take advice from others we are willful or obstinate.

When we obey out of a heart of love we find peace.  To obey out of love means to yield your will willingly to another.  It takes a heart of humility and putting aside pride.  This is especially a challenge when we don’t agree with those in authority. It is a wise person who realizes he may not know all the details of a situation and submits even when he doesn’t understand.  This leads to peace.

John 14:15 “If you love me, you will keep my commandments”

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