2020-A look back and a look forward

I’m a big fan of goals and accountability. Even though I didn’t reach many of my goals this last year, I’m okay with that. I went back to school and that meant a lot of things needed to give. I just finished Jon Acuff’s book Finish and I’m applying some …

How to make your dreams reality (Part 2)

Dreams are goals with deadlines – Napoleon Hill Grab a pen and piece of paper and set the timer for five minutes. Ask yourself these questions and write whatever comes to your mind. Keep the pen moving, there’s no wrong answer. Jot down everything that pops into your mind. What …

How to make your dreams reality (Part 1)

There seems to be a buzz around social media of poo-pooing New Year’s resolutions. They don’t work. You’re setting yourself up for failure. When I was chatting with a friend I was almost apologizing. “Yes, I’m one of those who make New Year’s Resolutions.” I love a new year because …

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