When Life Overwhelms

I’ve felt a bit like my life has been on a roller coaster the last few months. You too? Things I feared, the what-ifs that haunted my thoughts in the early morning hours, many of them have become reality. COVID-19, social distancing, isolation, racism, riots.  I turn to the Bible …

From fear to hope

I feel so small and alone, standing by the Christmas tree. Tears seep from the corner of my eye and fall unnoticed. I feel frozen in time, invisible. I scream. No one turns their head – no one notices -no one helps…I don’t know what to do. Have you ever …

God is Good

So maybe I’m a bit critical of those who inconvenience me. And, sure I should be appreciated for the sacrifices I make for those I love. Don’t judge me for multi-tasking and mentally making a to-do list during worship.  I’m a busy girl! Know that the Lord, he is God! It …

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